Speakers > Olivier Cappé

Olivier Cappé

Olivier CAPPE
Deputy scientific director for Information sciences, CNRS, France

Olivier Cappé is deputy scientific director of the Information sciences division of CNRS and researcher at the DI ENS lab in Paris. He holds a PhD in signal processing from Télécom ParisTech (1993) and an engineering degree from CentraleSupélec (1990). He previously served as deputy director and director of the LTCI lab in Paris (2009-2016) and as head of the Information science and technology department of Université Paris-Saclay (2016-2017). From 2005 to 2017, he was adjunct professor at Ecole Polytechnique’s Applied mathematics department. His research interests are in statistical signal processing, statistics and machine learning. He received the Grand Prix de la fondation d’entreprise EADS of the French Academy of Sciences in 2013.


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